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Our Policies


A full collection of our policy and procedure documents are available in the Children's Club office.  Below you will find brief policy statements for some of our most important policies.


Anti-Bullying Policy

Behaviour Management Policy

Child Collection Procedure

Complaints Policy

Confidentiality & Data Protection Policy

Emergency Closure Policy

Equality & Diversity Policy

Health & Medication Policies

Healthy Eating Policy

No Smoking, Drugs & Alcohol Policy

Our Commitment to British Values

Partnership with Parents Policy

Safeguarding (Child Protection) Policy

Special Needs Policy

Use of Technology Policy

Covid-19 Risk Assesment infants

Covid-19 Risk Assesment Juniors


Behaviour Management Policy
Child Collection Procedure
Complaints Policy
Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy
Emergency Closure Procedure
Equality and Diversity Policy
Health and Medication Policies
Healthy Eating Policy
No Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol Policy
Our Commitment to British Values
Partnership with Parents Policy
Safeguarding (Child Protection
Special Needs Policy
Use of Technology Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy

We are committed to developing children’s self-esteem and sense of worth by creating an environment in which they feel positive about themselves.  We aim to create a safe, healthy and happy community in which children and adults are cherished and valued.

Everyone has the right to be treated with kindness and respect and to be properly supported if they are not. Bullying of any kind is deemed unacceptable and will always be taken seriously and acted upon.

We aim to:

  • ensure a safe environment for all children at The Minster Schools’ Children’s Club

  • raise general awareness so that the whole community can play its part in recognising bullying and to take action when it occurs by preventing or responding appropriately to it.


Behaviour Management Policy

All children will misbehave from time to time and push the boundaries.  This is to be expected.  However, in order to keep everyone safe and happy and to avoid instances of bullying and unkind behaviour, we have rules and guidelines to follow.  The children who attend the Club are able to input into deciding our rules and we endeavour to only use positive language.

If a child causes disruption during sessions, a member of staff will discuss their actions and hope to resolve the issue quickly.  Staff may choose to use a 'time out' method to give the child time to think.  Where more than one child is involved in an incident, staff use restorative strategies to find solutions to conflicts.  In serious or repeated cases of misbehaviour, we will discuss our approach with parents/carers.


Child Collection Procedure

All children must be collected from the After School Clubs by 6.15pm.  All parents must sign their child(ren) out of the session.  No one under the age of sixteen will be permitted to collect a child.

If a parent/carer is going to be late to collect their child(ren), they must telephone the Club office.  If a child is collected after 6.15pm, a late charge will be made (currently £10.00 for the first five minutes, and then a further £2.00 charge for each additional five minutes).


Complaints Policy

We aim to work in partnership with parents/carers to deliver a high quality childcare service for everyone.  If for any reason we fall short of this goal, we would like to be informed in order to amend our practices for the future.  The Club Manager will be responsible for ensuring that any complaint is fully investigated.  If the complaint is about the manager, a member of the board of directors will investigate the matter. 


Confidentiality & Data Protection Policy

We aim to ensure that parents and carers can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their children.  We meet the requirements of the Human Rights Act 1998 with regard to protecting the individual's right to a private and family life, home and correspondence.  Our only justification to interfering with this right is where we believe that a child may be at risk of significant harm, or to prevent a crime or disorder.  We meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018 with regard to the information we gather from or about families including how we gather it, store it and use it.  We only share information with other professionals or agencies on a "need to know" basis, with consent from parents, or without their consent in specified circumstances to do with safeguarding children.


Emergency Closure Procedure
We make every effort to keep the Club open, but in exceptional circumstances we may need to close at short notice.  In the event of an emergency, our primary concern will be to ensure that both children and staff are kept safe.


Equality & Diversity Policy

We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations within the Club with particular reference to age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion and belief and sexual identity.  We recognise that these duties reflect international human rights standards as expressed in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, and the Human Rights Act 1998.


We are guided by the following principles:

1. All children are of equal value

2. We recognise and respect difference

3. We foster positive attitudes and relationships, and a shared sense of cohesion and belonging

4. We observe good equalities practice in staff recruitment, retention and employment

5. We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that already exist

6. Society as a whole should benefit

7. We base our practices on sound evidence

8. We challenge and address prejudice and prejudice-related bullying


Health & Medication Policies

We are committed to encouraging and promoting good health and to dealing efficiently and effectively with illnesses and emergencies that may arise while children are in our care.  We take all practical steps to keep staff and children safe from communicable diseases.  All parents/carers must provide us with their child(ren)'s medical history and details of known allergies, as well as giving permission for emergency medical treatment for their child.  Any accidents during sessions, together with any treatment given, are recorded on an accident sheet which is shared with parents/carers.  The Club cannot accept children who are ill.  Any children who have been ill should not return to the Club until they have fully recovered.  The vast majority of Club staff are fully trained in paediatric first aid and competent to provide appropriate first aid when necessary. 


Wherever possible, children who are prescribed medication should receive their doses at home.  If it is necessary for medication to be taken during Club sessions, children are encouraged to take personal responsibility for this, where this is appropriate.  Medication will never be given without the prior written request of the parent/carer.


Healthy Eating Policy

We regard snack and meal times as an important opportunity for children and adults to socialise and to help children.  We provide children with well-balanced and nutritious meals that meet all children's dietary requirements including food allergies and intolerances.  The Club endeavours to work alongside and in cooperation with both schools' food and healthy eating policies, and to national food standards.  Table manners, cleanliness and hygiene are all very important and actively modelled and taught by our staff.


No Smoking, Drugs & Alcohol Policy

We endeavour to safeguard and promote the health and well-being of all adults and children who visit our setting.  In order to prevent damage to health, the Club does not permit smoking in any area of the setting, either inside or in any of the play areas or school grounds.  We have a zero-tolerance approach towards the use of drugs and alcohol on the site.


Our Commitment to British Values

The fundamental values of democracy, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths are implicitly embedded in the Club's ethos, values, policies and procedures.


Partnership with Parents Policy

It is important that all parents, carers, staff and volunteers share the same aims, values and goals for the Club.  Everything that the Club's manager, directors and staff strive for is always centred on the needs of the children.  Parents and carers are encouraged to share information with us from the outset and we highlight the need for friendly and cooperative relationships between families and our staff.


Safeguarding (Child Protection) Policy

The Minster Schools' Children's Club works in close partnership with The Minster Nursery & Infant School and Junior Schools.  The staff and directors of the Club take seriously the welfare of and safeguard all the children entrusted to our care.  The Club aims to create a 'culture of safety' in which the children in our care are protected from abuse, harm and radicalisation.


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as:

  • protecting children from maltreatment;

  • preventing impairment of children's health or development;

  • ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and

  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.


The Club will respond actively, promptly and appropriately to all incidents or concerns regarding the safety of a child that may occur.  The Club's child protection procedures comply with all relevant legislation and with guidance issued by the Local Safeguarding Board (LCSB).

There is a Child Protection Officer (CPO) available at all time while the Club is in session.  The Club's designated CPO is Tamsin Watson (Club Manager).


As part of the ethos of The Minster Schools' Children's Club, we are committed to:

  • maintaining children's welfare as our paramount concern;

  • practising safe recruitment;

  • providing an environment in which children feel safe, secure, valued and respected, confident to talk openly sure of being listening to;

  • providing suitable support and guidance so that children have a range of appropriate adults who they feel confident to approach if they are in difficulties;

  • using activities at the setting to provide opportunities for increasing self-awareness, self-esteem, assertiveness and decision-making so that children have a range of contacts and strategies to ensure their own protection and understand the importance of protecting others;

  • working with parents and carers to build an understanding of the Club's responsibility to ensure the welfare of all children, including the need for referral in some situations;

  • ensuring all staff are able to recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse, harm and radicalisation and are aware of the Club's procedures and lines of communication;

  • monitoring children who have been identified as 'in need', including the need for protection;

  • keeping confidential records which are stored securely and shared appropriately with other professionals; and

  • developing effective and supportive liaison with other agencies. 


SEND Policy

We welcome all children and are committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity and inclusion amongst our staff, families and children.  We endeavour to make sure that we provide appropriate provision to enable all children  to enjoy a full part in the daily life at the Club.  All children and families will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and the resources of the setting will be fully utilised to maximise enabling environments and early intervention and support.  The Minster Schools' Children's Club is committed to following the recommendations of the SEND Code of Practice and Equality Act 2010.


Use of Technology Policy

In order to safeguard the children, staff are not allowed to use their personal mobile phones during their work hours, unless in an emergency.  Parents are also asked not to use mobile phones whilst on the Club site.  Visitors to the Club are asked to turn their mobile phones off or store them in the office.

The Club will always obtain parents'/carers' consent for photographs to be taken or published and ensure that the Club's designated camera is only used in the setting.

Children may use the internet during Club sessions for playing developmental games or finding resources but will always be supervised by a member of staff.  The Club works with the appropriate staff in the Infant and Junior Schools to ensure that the appropriate internet security measures are in place.


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